Internal Linking In A Unique And Creative Style

Hey Pals ! As you guys know that internal linking also plays a great role in Seach Engine Optimization and it is very useful to increase your blog's PR (Google page rank). If you guys don't know how then let me explain this useful thing to all of you. Because its all about SEO and if there is no Search Engine Page Rankings then no traffic and if there is no traffic then no Subscribers , Likes , Tweets etc and no Revenue and that will be very worst.

How Internal Linking Pushes A Blog Forward?

Internal Linking can worth a blog in many ways like sharing PR juice in every page of the blog. Yes by doing internal linking the PR juice spread in every page of the blog and that is very useful in search engine page results. Simply, Internal Linking increase blog traffic and helps in SEO and if you add Internal Links in every blog page with good Anchor Text then visitors and subscribers will be able to find something interesting on your blog.

How to do Internal Linking in a Unique and Creative Style ?

Below is the Screen Preview of Internal Link in unique style.

Internal Linking In A Unique And Creative Styleā€¸

How to Add This in Your Blog Post?

<span style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif; font-size: large;">See Also :</span>

<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">

<style type="text/css">

.post ul li {

line-height: 1.2em;

background: transparent url(

teentainment+internal+linking.png) no-repeat scroll 0px 4px;

margin: 0.3em;





padding: 0 0 0.8em 20px;


.post ul li:hover {




background: transparent url(

Teentainment_IT.png) no-repeat scroll 0px 4px;



<div class="post">

<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">



<li><a href="LINK-HERE" target="_blank">Anchor Text</a></li>


Just copy this code in your blog post (Blog post Edit HTML option) and replace the following :

  • Replace Image link ( orange color ) with your link.
  • Replace LINK-HERE with your custom Link.
  • Replace Anchor Text with the keywords.

Remember The Image you create should be 15 x 15px in size.

And You are Done ! If you guys are having any problem so feel free to comment below. It will be a pleasure for us to help you.


Best 4 Advices For Choosing The Best Blog Post Title For Better SEO

Choosing the best blog post titles for your blog, to rank better in search engine results can be a daunting task for many user. We often don't give much importance to the post title, that plays a vital role in making out to the search engine results.

The traffic through a particular blog post is determined by its search engine ranking. If our post lies on the first page of the search engines, only than we could expect a decent amount of organic traffic. To be more precise, people often click the first 3-4 links shown in the search results. So choosing the most optimized post title is very important.

So lets consider few tips that could help us make the 'Best' post title that could fight among the heavy competition out there for each keyword.

Tip 1: Focus On The Content Topic

To write out the best title, its obvious that you should be clear about the subject that you are going to write in. Many people like to write the title after they have completed the post, so that they could cover out the entire idea within few golden words.

In my case, i sketch out the post title (fully optimized) and make minor changes at the end, only if i feel like doing so. Its depends on you. Just make sure that you end up with something productive at the end that would have the attributes of the best blog post title, that we are going to mention later in the post.

Tip 2: Search For The Same Topic In Google

This proves to be most helpful. Anything that you wish to write upon is always (or in most cases) tried out by some other writer, in some similar way. Notice closely what you searched, and which post title's are making out the first 3 positions. Note down the keywords they have used with yourself.

Tip 3: Use Google Keyword Tool For Those Search Keywords

Now search those noted keywords in Google Keyword Tool. For an example, notice the title of this particular post. The main keyword that i focused on is "Blog Post Title". So that you may get to know about the relevant traffic for a keyword. Now you could decide among the 2-3 different keywords that you may had noticed in top queries in search engine results (that you noted earlier).

Personally i don't carry out this part most of the time, as Google search results give enough of information to come up with great post titles that are fully search engine optimized (SEO).

Tip 4: Come Up With A Short Title Finally

Now that you know what keywords to target in the post title, you can sum the entire idea in few words no more than 66 characters in an all. Google wont show up sentences comprising of more than 70 words. Make sure you consider that strongly!

The shorter the post title, the better it is for SEO. People like to read short, but to the point information.

Attributes Of  'Best' Blog Post Title?

1-As Short As possible
2-Keyword Rich
3-Enticing For Reader
4-May Have Call To Action
5-Makes The Reader Think
6-Forces The Reader To Click (Example : " Why Your Blog Is Failing To Make Any Money? " makes the reader click the post, no matter what!


That's about it! Its not much of a rocket science though. Just requires a little bit of the basic idea of how things work. I figured this technique by common sense and a little passion that i have for blogging :)

It works like a charm and so i would suggest to you guys too. Hope to see your blog  posts shining out in the search engine results.

Do You Use Any Of These Tips For Spicing Up Your Blog Post Title?


Blogger Featured Post Widget With Thumbnail Opacity Effect at top of blog

Did you wanted to add a featured post widget to your blogger blog but couldn't found the one that you were looking for? Well i have a good news for you todaysmile.

Some of our readers wanted to know how exactly they could add the featured post widget that we are using here at tricksblast4u
The widget comprises of 5 featured thumbnail images that refer to their respective posts. The widget shows up opacity effect and looks pretty darn cool.

 Below are the few simple steps by which you could add the widget to your blogger blog.

Step #1 Find The Destination Code 

Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Design >> Edit HTML and backup your template. Now search for the following code (By using CTRL +F).

Note: There is no set code that you need to search for. The only reason why i have included this step is to find a place for this particular tutorial to add the featured post widget. You can experiment with different positions and then use this widget any where you may wish to.

Search for:

<div id='main-wrapper'>
<div id='content-wrapper'>

Now it may vary from template to template. So you might not be able to find the above code. BUT, you could try finding anything similar to this. We would add the Featured Post widget code above it so that the widget would appear on the top of the blog (as shown in the picture above).

Step #2 Add The Featured Post Widget Code

Now just above the code mentioned in step #1, add the following code above it. Again, there can be errors. Trial and error is the key.

<div id='BeHboxes'><div style='visibility: visible; overflow: hidden; position: relative; z-index: 2; left: 0px; width: 100%; '><ul><li><div class='BeHbody'><a class='Fadein3' href='POST 1 LINK'><img height='100' src='POST 1 IMG LINK' width='170'/></a><div class='clear'></div><h3><a href='POST 1 LINK'>POST 1 DESCRIPTION</a></h3><p>POST 1 PARAGRAPH</p></div></li><li><div class='BeHbody'><a class='Fadein3' href='POST 2 LINK'><img height='100' src='POST 2 IMG LINK' width='170'/>
</a><div class='clear'></div><h3><a href='POST 2 LINK'>POST 2 DESCRIPTION</a></h3><p>POST 2 PARAGRAPH </p></div></li><li><div class='mbtbody'><a class='Fadein3' href='POST 3 LINK'><img height='100' src='POST 3 IMG LINK' width='170'/></a><div class='clear'></div><h3><a href='POST 3 LINK'>POST 3 DESCRIPTION</a></h3><p>POST 3 PARAGRAPH</p>
</div></li><li><div class='BeHbody'><a class='Fadein3' href='POST 4 LINK' rel='nofollow'><img height='100' src='POST 4 IMG LINK' width='170'/></a><div class='clear'></div><h3><a href='POST 4 LINK' rel='nofollow'>POST 4 DESCRIPTION</a></h3><p>POST 4 PARAGRAPH</p></div></li><li><div class='Behbody'><a class='Fadein3' href='POST 5 LINK'>
<img height='100' src='POST 5 IMG LINK ' width='170'/></a><div class='clear'></div><h3><a href='POST 5 LINK'>POST 5 DESCRIPTION</a></h3><p>POST 5 PARAGRAPH</p></div></li></ul></div></div>

Replace the color tags (each post box represents a unique color above) with the information as mentioned.

Step #3 Adding The CSS

Search for ]]></b:skin>

Now just above this code, add the following CSS for the featured post widget.

/*----------- BeH Featured Post Widget -----------------*/
#BeHboxes{height:210px;overflow:hidden;margin:0px;position:relative;width:948px;background:;border:0px solid #333; padding:5px 5px;}#BeHboxes ul{ margin-left: 10px; padding: 0pt; position: relative; list-style-type: none; z-index: 1;  width: 100%; }#BeHboxes ul li{ overflow: hidden; float: left; width: 180px; height: 180px; border-top:0px solid #333; margin-right:6px; padding:2px 0px 4px 0px; }#BeHboxes ul li:hover{ border-bottom:1px solid #c5c5c5; }#BeHboxes img{width:150px;height:100px; padding:2px; border: 1px solid #A3A3A3; border-radius:10px; -moz-border-radius:10px;  margin-top:0px;}#BeHboxes img:hover{border: 1px solid #c5c5c5; }.BeHbody img{float:left}.BeHbody {position:relative;margin:0 5px 0 5px;width:170px;height:210px;display:inline;float:left;color:#c4c4c4}.BeHbody h3{padding:5px 0;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold; font-family: verdana, sans-serif, arial; margin:0;}.BeHbody h3 a:link,.BeHbody h3 a:visited{color:#2F97FF;}.BeHbody h3 a:hover{color:#c5c5c5}.BeHbody p{margin:0; padding:0 0;color:#cdcdcd;font:10px normal verdana, sans-serif, Arial;}.Fadein3 img {filter:alpha(opacity=80);opacity: 0.8;border:0;}.Fadein3:hover img {filter:alpha(opacity=100);opacity: 1.0;border:0;}

 In case of any problems, leave out a comment below and i would love to get back to you as soon as possible.


How to Drive More Traffic From Search Engines - SEO Keywords Trick

Many bloggers uses Keyword Analyzer to check the density of the keywords in their blog posts. Density of the keyword means that how frequently a popular keyword is used in the article. The problem lies where your blog has a low Google page rank, thus it fails to achieve the highest spots in the search engine results.

To over come this issue, you could use the following technique where  you would use multiple keyword in your blog posts to get a better search engine ranking.

So here i will give a trick which i have given a name KEYWORD DOUBLING. I try to teach how to use two keywords of same meanings together. It will help you to drive traffic from both POPULAR and UNPOPULAR keywords. For Example, USA and America have same meanings but they have different impacts on Search Engine. See the following Lines :

1. The President of America Barack Obama Says :

2. The President of USA Barack Obama Says :

If you use the first line in your post and someone's search PRESIDENT OF USA, than your post will be neglected because USA is not in your sentence.

If you use the second line in your post and someone's search for PRESIDENT OF AMERICA, than also your post will be neglected because AMERICA is not in your sentence.

Now read this line:

The President of America ( USA ) Barack Obama says :

If you will use this line in your post than when someone searches for PRESIDENT OF USA or PRESIDENT OF AMERICA, in both case your blog will be shown in SERP (search engine results page). Your traffic will be boosted considerably.

 This trick is very effective with dates. If someone is running a Sport Blog and have to give the details of the upcoming matches, than you may be write like this :

Pakistan VS England - 2nd ODI on 12-2-2011

If i write it like this :

Pakistan Vs England

Second (2nd) ODI

Date : 12th February, 2011 ( 12-2-2011 )

Day : Saturday

Could you feel the difference? This is a keyword rich post that includes targeted phrases. Each angle looks perfect.

This will help you a lot in search impact of your blog because some people will search PAKISTAN VS ENGLAND on 12-2-2011 and some will search PAKISTAN VS ENGLAND on 12th February or someone can search for Pakistan 2nd ODI. These all Keywords are available in your post so 95% chance is there that your blog will be shown first.

Page rank is not important. You can have thousands of Visitors daily with Page Rank 0. All you need is to have a good common sense. You should write in a manner that attracts people. Thats what they say, "Write for people and not for search engines".

Note : Use this trick KEYWORDS DOUBLING very carefully. See the below line:

Pakistan VS England Second ( 2nd ) ODI on 12th February, 2011 ( 12-2-2011) on Saturday

It looks awkward and it will irritate your readers. So use this trick with the important keyword not with every double meaning keyword smile

Hope you Understand smile

NOTE: Do not use this trick in The Title of Your Post because your Title should be 66 characters. So use strong and main keyword for your Post Title. This trick is for Post Body.


How To Target A Keyword With A Post Page

The more I dig in mentally to the world of making money with the internet, the more I realize that there are a lot of different ways to go about it. When I first started making money online, I would create simple content sites that got 99% of their traffic on the homepage. For some reason I was living under the misconception that home pages could rank better than other pages. I now know that this isn’t true in fact I have quite a few post pages that bring more search traffic than their corresponding home pages.

Almost all of my sites make more at the post level than they do on the home pages and this is because I understand how to write posts that target keywords. This is a basic process that a lot of you probably already understand, but I wanted to cover it so that everyone would know that they aren’t missing anything.


Most 10 Tips For Find a Personal Injury Attorney

To Find a Good Personal lawyer means that when your loved human suffered from injury then you have to go for hiring the personal injury lawyer but many times people not know about the lawyer there is many question for lawyer how to find it.

here is some special tips for you to find personal injury lawyer.

My first Point is Experience. Experience is best teacher you all know that very well.


Find out how long your potential attorney has practiced law. Also find out which kinds of cases he/she has taken and won, and how long he/she has specialized in personal injury law. For instance, you would like to file a malpractice suit. If Lawyer A has 25 years of experience practicing law and Lawyer B has 10 years of experience, it would seem like Lawyer A is the better choice. However, Lawyer A has only have 5 years of experience in malpractice law and Lawyer B has spent all ten years as a lawyer working on malpractice cases. Thus, Lawyer B is probably the better choice.

Good Communication. 
When working with a lawyer, communication is crucial for several reasons.
  1. You want to ensure that your lawyer is a good communicator because that is precisely what you are hiring him/her to do: communicate your case to a judge, jury, or another attorney while using the law to argue for an outcome in your favor.
  2. You need to understand how often your lawyer will communicate to you the details of your case; staying informed is important. Your lawyer should communicate the following: how your case is progressing, how long it should take, and how much it should cost. A lawyer that fails to keep you informed will cause you frustration and possibly cost you unnecessary time and money.
  3. Be sure to choose a lawyer who is willing to spend time with you to learn your case, inside and out. This shows dedication, thoroughness, and professionalism.
Understand and obtain, in writing, all fees you will incur by hiring a particular lawyer, including fees your lawyer will take if your case wins.

Is your potential lawyer an expert in a particular area of personal injury law? Do other lawyers refer their clients to him/her because of that expertise?

Lawyer-client relationship dynamic. Know what your relationship will be like with your lawyer. You are hiring him/her and, therefore, you should have control over your legal matters.

Lawyer work style. 
Make sure that your lawyer’s work style is compatible with what you are looking for in a lawyer. Is he/she going to work on the case by themselves, or with a partner? Is he/she going to pass the case onto a less experienced lawyer? Is he/she too aggressive? Does he/she fervently attempt to settle cases before taking them to court?

Lawyer work style. 
Make sure that your lawyer’s work style is compatible with what you are looking for in a lawyer. Is he/she going to work on the case by themselves, or with a partner? Is he/she going to pass the case onto a less experienced lawyer? Is he/she too aggressive? Does he/she fervently attempt to settle cases before taking them to court?

Professional network. 
Does your potential lawyer have a vast professional network of experts? Many personal injury cases involve testimony of expert witnesses. Again using the malpractice example: You are suing a doctor because she left a surgical tool in your body when you underwent surgery. Your lawyer might call as witnesses a doctor who specializes in that particular area of surgery and another doctor who is an expert in the long-term effects of foreign objects inside of a human. You want a lawyer who knows and hires experts in a variety of fields; the more resources you have at your fingertips, the more thoroughly your case will be covered.

Shop around. 
Under no circumstances should you hire just anyone. You need to consider a variety of factors when hiring a lawyer and it should not be a rash decision.

Understand what type of case you have so that you can find an attorney that specializes in that type of law, or has a lot of experience with your type of case.

Technology can equal power. It allows lawyers to get things done efficiently, effectively, and thoroughly. Be sure to ask a potential lawyer what technologies they use when they prepare for and execute a case.


Why Car insurance is required?

The answer is very simple. Car Insurance is mandatory by law. Driving around without valid car insurance is illegal in India. In case of death or bodily injury to a third party or any damage to its car, the car insurance policy provides compensation of up to Rs 1 lakh. Such type of vehicle insurance is known as the third party insurance and it protects not only you but also other people or family members who may be riding / driving you car.
Comprehensive car insurance protects your car from any man made or natural calamities like terrorist attacks, theft, riots, earth quake, cyclone, hurricane etc in addition to third party’s claims/damages. At times car insurance can be confusing and difficult to understand. There are certain guidelines that should be followed by the Car Insurance buyers while choosing the policy. Car insurance acts like a great friend at the time of crisis. It covers the losses made in an accident and thus saves you from paying out the huge sum from your pocket.

Benefits of Car Insurance

All the states in India require a minimum amount of insurance. Car insurance can help offset the loss of huge sum in the following manner:

  •  Provides benefits to survivors when an accident results in death.

  •  It covers lawsuits, including legal fees brought against you as the result of an accident.

  • Covers the bills of vehicle repairs due to damage caused in an accident.

  • Covers damage caused by other than an accident for example, theft, fire, etc.

  • Additional discounts: Car insurance policies allow premium discounts for theft or for owning more than one policy with the same insurer. It also provides added advantage to extend coverage to others driving your car with your permission.

  • No Claim Bonus: If you do not make a claim during the policy period, a No Claim Bonus is offered on renewals provided you fulfill certain terms and conditions


List of all insurance companies(from 2000-2012)

 Here, I have shared List of all life insurance and General Insurance company list. It is very helpful to insurance holder or new one to get information about their insurance with only one click.Here are 22 Life insurance companies and 15 General insurance companies.



Insurance industry, as on 1.4.2000, comprised mainly two players: the state insurers: 

  Life Insurers:
 General Insurers:


Online Renewal of lapsed policy of life insurance

Now Online Renewal Premium payment of a policy is possible for lapsed policies also up to 5 months and 25 days from the due date
Please pay renewal premium of your policy within grace period only, it is in your interest. 

However Premium for SMART PERFORMER (44), UNIT PLUS SUPER (49), SARAL MAHA ANAND (50), SMART SCHOLAR (51), SMART HORIZON (52), & UNIT PLUS ELITE (53) is allowed up to 71st and 86th days from the due date for monthly and non monthly frequencies respectively.

In case of Advance Premium Payment Renewal Receipt will be generated only after adjustment/allocation on the Due Date of premium

Click here

  • Now SBI Life insurance site will open by clicking above.
  • Fill up the detail of form.(Policy Number,Date of Birth,Mobile number)
  • Then follow as the site suggest.
NOTE : I have not do above process but I have know about it so I share with all of you.Just try it can be helpfull to you.


Top 10 Memory Improvement Tips

Hey Fenz,Before you study for your next exam, you might want to use a few strategies to boost your memory of important information. There are a number of tried and tested techniques for improving memory. These strategies have been established within cognitive psychology literature and offer a number of great ways to improve memory, enhance recall and increase retention of information.

1. Focus your attention on the materials you are studying.

Attention is one of the major components of memory. In order for information to move from short-term memory into long-term memory, you need to actively attend to this information. Try to study in a place free of distractions such as television, music and other diversions.


how to Add Digg button to Blogger or Blogspot

This is a step-by-step guide to automatically place a real-time Digg count and vote button to every single blog post. Digg is a social content website where your readers or you can submit content to. If you have a good story, members will 'digg' the post and write comments. As a blog owner, you may want to make it easy for and encourage your readers to submit and digg your articles.

Automatic Count and Vote Button

Before you do that though, you would want to take note of the following:-


Difference - HTML and XHTML

When inserting codes into the Blogger template, page element, or blog post, you may have seen error messages that the code could not be parsed, was not well-formed, was broken, or that the elements were not closed properly. These errors can be corrected if you understand the rules that must be adhered to in XHTML documents. Blogger templates use the XHTML 1.0 Strict Document Type. In this article, we shall explain some of the XHTML syntax or rules, so that you may troubleshoot and resolve the problems if these error messages should occur.


Add Favicon icon to Blogger URL

Have you wondered how these little icons appear next to the web addresses, like the one you see above? When you visit the sites or bookmark them, these icons will make these URLs stand out. These are “Favicons” or “Favorite Icons”.

You would first need to have an icon which you would like to use, bearing the extension .ico format. If you search your hard disk, you might find some icons which are generic. I would suggest that you create one to represent your own unique identity. There are quite a number of free icon editor software which you can download from the net.


Center Align Page element in Blogger

A number of queries we received had to do with alignment problems. In some templates, the links, text, widgets and other page elements are aligned to the left. Many bloggers prefer to have widgets in the center of the sidebar or post body. There are a couple of ways to align the page elements within the sidebar or the blog posts. In this tutorial, you will learn how to center align all or selected page elements in your blog.


Put separate line between each comment

If you have noticed by now, the readers' comments after each Blogger post come one after the other without a line separating each comment. If your post has numerous comments, it is difficult even for readers to locate their own comments. A solution to this is to add a divider or a separator line after each comment so that readers can easily see where the comment starts and ends. We had explained in our article Author Comments - Different Styles how blog owners can make their own comments different and stand out from the rest. Here, we shall let you know how to insert a divider or underline after each comment to separate the various comments.


How to add scroll-bar to Blog

If you have followed our main article Add Scrollbars to Blog Widgets, you would be able to introduce horizontal and vertical scrollbars to all or any of the widgets in the Blogger template. These scrollbars can be made to automatically appear when the contents overflow a certain specified width or height setting. We have also talked about how scrollbars can be added to the Blog Post body. We shall in this tutorial elaborate on that and let you know how to add the scrollbars within each Blog Post.


20+ Best Advertising Networks And Review Sites For Bloggers

Pay per click (PPC) is an Internet advertising used on websites, where advertisers pay when the ad is clicked. Here is a list of money making websites for those who are looking for how to make money online.
As we know that there is lots of scam online so trying to make money is almost an impossible task if you have no idea what you are doing. Then the first thing is that you have to understand that every money making websites are not scam. The list is beneficial for those who don’t have idea about it.


Watch popular Indian TV shows on mobile phone

Vuclip, one of the leading independent mobile video destination, has announced launch of Vuclip TV, where users can watch popular Indian TV shows on their mobile phone.

Although, this is nothing new, it is significant because Vuclip can show videos on more than 5500 different handsets ranging from the most advanced smart phones to the most basic feature phones that have video playing and internet capabilities, eliminating the need to download any plug-in applications to play the video clips. A Simple GPRS connection is enough for Vuclip to display a video.


Reduce Your Bounce Rate In One Second

first is a question that why bounce rate goes high with your website.Reason is visitors  spend very little time with your websites. They opened it and feels that it is unworthy for him and closes it.

So, how do you get visitors to spend more time on your site and reduce your bounce rate, without spending more than one second trying to do it?

It’s simple.


The Evolution of Computer Monitors

Computer monitors are a some crucial component of the modern world. For many people, a solid computer monitor is their connection to much of their work and social life. But what a lot of people never stop to consider is that the computer monitor is an invention that has evolved considerably since its inception.
Monitors have come a long way from their earliest incarnations. This has contributed to a much lower required level of user sophistication versus the early days.


Tricks for Photo Editing without Photoshop or Other Paid Software

Are you believe that You can do photo editing without Photoshop? Yes It can.If you don’t have photoshop still you can edit your images using GIMP.
GIMP stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed software for various tasks such as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on Windows, Linux, and OS X.


How To Skip Ads On YouTube site

Hey guys!! Today Ads while viewing videos on Youtube is a big problems. We are viewing more video ads before the actual videos gets started. Some Users are getting fed up with these video ads that are forced to watch.
Some of the videos can be skipped after five seconds of play, while others cannot be skipped at all. Here are the ways to bypass these ads to improve your experience on the site.


10 Writing Tips for Sounding Smart

Hi guys!! if you think using big words makes you more smarter, then wait a second. Their is something which you should know.
According to a study published in Applied Cognitive Psychology , the answer is no. Using big words doesn’t makes you smarter. In fact, complex writing makes you sound small-minded.
To sound smart, you must stop trying to sound smart. Brilliant writing is writing relevant ideas in a simpler manner.


15 Best Image Search Engines to Find Photos Online

Are u want to find a great photo or perfect celebrity picture? Trickswallet provide the list of best image search engines that will help you to find interesting photos in the easiest way possible. You will learn about hidden preferences, unique features that will make you searches images like a professional and actually find the best images possible. Check them out… and see their test results on Aishwarya Rai.
image search


How to Write Blog Posts Loved by Search Engines( Machines )

Do you write articles loved by search engines ( Machines ) and enjoyed by humans. It is now established that, by targeting low competition and low searched keywords, you can easily rank well for the keyword you are targeting. But ranking well in Google is enough to meet your whole purpose of blogging? It’s not. Because, ranking well in Google is just an opportunity to you to showcase what you have in store.


How do you disable the power key / button on your keyboard

How do you disable the power key / button on your keyboard which causes instant shut down? BTW have you ever seen a Keyboard power key! I was blogging from my uncle’s old computer and he had a really old keyboard. I do a lot of Print Screen screenshots for my articles and strangely enough the computer would keep shutting down.


How to Find Lost iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Mac Anywhere

How can you find your lost iPhone, iPad, or misplaced iPod Touch, and even Mac when it is misplaced? Is there any tracking software or iPhone app which you can install in these gadgets which will help you in tracking your missing iPhone or iPad and find where you misplaced your expensive gadget.


Backup And Restore Your Entire Gmail Account with Gmvault

For most of us Gmail account is precious virtual goods which we can’t afford to lose. It is a nightmare to even think of losing emails, chat conversations and important attachments stored in our Gmail account. Though you can always setup multiple Gmail/other email accounts and use it as backup of important emails by setting auto forward filters.


Top 20 Google Adsense Keyword in 2012

You can find Google Adsense Keywords top lists everywhere. What does it means exactly? These keywords are taken from Adwords, they are the highest bid that some advertisers are ready to pay for a single click. So some Adsense publishers are interested in them because they want to get the most money out of a click. The problem is that those keywords have a lot of competition between webmasters and also that the price advertisers are ready to pay is on the search engine, not on the AdSense publishers network of sites. And as you might know, Google gives 68% of the money paid by advertisers back to publishers.. The list reads like this:


How to Print Files From Smartphones and Tablets

Hi fenz, smartphone technology advancing day by day, it’s hard to keep up with every new feature that they employ. And because of this, other devices remain underdeveloped and cannot offer the bestcompatibility with these fast runners. Printers are such an example. Although printers have evolved quite a lot in the last few years, their technology still has lots to catch up.


How to Recover a Download That’s Been Cancelled

Even if the speed of our internet connection is constantly increasing, there are still moments when it goes down, or when some other problems appear and our downloads suffer from this. Some lose speed and only work with a few kbps and some stop.
The problems appear when we try to resume these downloads. Sometimes, these downloads break and further download is impossible. When this happens, we turn our eye towards download managers that help us recover broken downloads. And in moments like those, a few tips on which is the best or other tricks we could try, are most welcome.


Top 5 Earning Blogs in 2012

Fenz, today I am not going to write any blogging tip for you. But I have listed out top 5 blogs in the internet world in terms of income and online earning. You can really motivate your self by looking at some of these extra-ordinary blogs. Every blogger should have these blogs as idols in his/her mind as these blogs are an example of hard work and patience resulting in huge income online for their owners.
Before I list out these blogs for you, I would like to clear two things. Firstly, the incomes shown here are not exact, these are just estimates and approximations. Secondly, these blogs have taken a long time and a lot of hard work to reach at this position. This was no overnight magic.


How to Free-up Disk Space on your Windows PC

Dear Fenz, Today ,The cost of digital storage is going down and most newer computers ship with 500 GB to 1 TB of hard disks that are big enough to store all your files. However, if you are using Windows on an old computer with limited disk space, here is a list of things you should do to instantly recover some free space.

1. The Obvious Methods to Free Disk Space

a. Use CCleaner to quickly clear your Windows recycle bin, temporary Internet files, log files, memory dumps and other stubborn files that don’t show up in Windows Explorer. CClean also provides an option to clean your unused Windows Registry keys and your browser cookies but that won’t save any disk space.


Facebook Launches App Center for Android, IPhone

Hi fenz,The Facebook app on your Android device, iPhone or iPad is about to get a lot more interesting.

Facebook has announced it is in the process of launching an App Center in the Android and Apple Stores Thursday night. It’s rolling out on three platforms: Android, iOS and (on the mobile web) itself.


25 Best Blogs that Help you to Pay your Student Loan

it is everybody’s dream to earn a lot of money and to get rid of all the financial problems and most importantly from debt. Here we have brought a list of blogs which will help you for sure in above matters. 

For Young Adults and Students

It is a blog which helps you solving your queries which are related to financial terms. Whether it is about loan debt or how to manage your financial status when you are in college and some excellent methods to main it after your college, this blog will help you a lot.


10 Firefox Tweaks 4 Better Browsing Experience

Here,The Firefox browser is sporting a much improved interface and security. The minimal interface with a pretty cool address bar and Firefox menu sure makes navigation much easier then other browsers.
However a major concern for any user will be the speed Firefox can offer as the time taken to search, open pages and respond to queries decide the fate of a browser. Though Firefox fares well certain problems can still put Firefox in back seat. Some of them being browser crash, time for loading pages from external apps and other memory related issues.


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