Did you wanted to add a featured post widget to your
blogger blog but couldn't found the one that you were looking for? Well i
have a good news for you today
Some of our readers wanted to know how exactly they could add the featured post widget that we are using here at tricksblast4u
The widget comprises of 5 featured thumbnail images that refer to their respective posts. The widget shows up opacity effect and looks pretty darn cool.
Below are the few simple steps by which you could add the widget to your blogger blog.
Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Design >> Edit HTML and backup your template. Now search for the following code (By using CTRL +F).
Note: There is no set code that you need to search for. The only reason why i have included this step is to find a place for this particular tutorial to add the featured post widget. You can experiment with different positions and then use this widget any where you may wish to.
Search for:
Now it may vary from template to template. So you might not be able to find the above code. BUT, you could try finding anything similar to this. We would add the Featured Post widget code above it so that the widget would appear on the top of the blog (as shown in the picture above).
Replace the color tags (each post box represents a unique color above) with the information as mentioned.
Search for ]]></b:skin>
Now just above this code, add the following CSS for the featured post widget.
In case of any problems, leave out a comment below and i would love to get back to you as soon as possible.
Some of our readers wanted to know how exactly they could add the featured post widget that we are using here at tricksblast4u
The widget comprises of 5 featured thumbnail images that refer to their respective posts. The widget shows up opacity effect and looks pretty darn cool.
Below are the few simple steps by which you could add the widget to your blogger blog.
Step #1 Find The Destination Code
Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Design >> Edit HTML and backup your template. Now search for the following code (By using CTRL +F).
Note: There is no set code that you need to search for. The only reason why i have included this step is to find a place for this particular tutorial to add the featured post widget. You can experiment with different positions and then use this widget any where you may wish to.
Search for:
<div id='main-wrapper'>
<div id='content-wrapper'>
Now it may vary from template to template. So you might not be able to find the above code. BUT, you could try finding anything similar to this. We would add the Featured Post widget code above it so that the widget would appear on the top of the blog (as shown in the picture above).
Step #2 Add The Featured Post Widget Code
Now just above the code mentioned in step #1, add the following code above it. Again, there can be errors. Trial and error is the key.<div id='BeHboxes'><div style='visibility: visible; overflow: hidden; position: relative; z-index: 2; left: 0px; width: 100%; '><ul><li><div class='BeHbody'><a class='Fadein3' href='POST 1 LINK'><img height='100' src='POST 1 IMG LINK' width='170'/></a><div class='clear'></div><h3><a href='POST 1 LINK'>POST 1 DESCRIPTION</a></h3><p>POST 1 PARAGRAPH</p></div></li><li><div class='BeHbody'><a class='Fadein3' href='POST 2 LINK'><img height='100' src='POST 2 IMG LINK' width='170'/>
</a><div class='clear'></div><h3><a href='POST 2 LINK'>POST 2 DESCRIPTION</a></h3><p>POST 2 PARAGRAPH </p></div></li><li><div class='mbtbody'><a class='Fadein3' href='POST 3 LINK'><img height='100' src='POST 3 IMG LINK' width='170'/></a><div class='clear'></div><h3><a href='POST 3 LINK'>POST 3 DESCRIPTION</a></h3><p>POST 3 PARAGRAPH</p>
</div></li><li><div class='BeHbody'><a class='Fadein3' href='POST 4 LINK' rel='nofollow'><img height='100' src='POST 4 IMG LINK' width='170'/></a><div class='clear'></div><h3><a href='POST 4 LINK' rel='nofollow'>POST 4 DESCRIPTION</a></h3><p>POST 4 PARAGRAPH</p></div></li><li><div class='Behbody'><a class='Fadein3' href='POST 5 LINK'>
<img height='100' src='POST 5 IMG LINK ' width='170'/></a><div class='clear'></div><h3><a href='POST 5 LINK'>POST 5 DESCRIPTION</a></h3><p>POST 5 PARAGRAPH</p></div></li></ul></div></div>
Replace the color tags (each post box represents a unique color above) with the information as mentioned.
Step #3 Adding The CSS
Search for ]]></b:skin>
Now just above this code, add the following CSS for the featured post widget.
/*----------- BeH Featured Post Widget -----------------*/
#BeHboxes{height:210px;overflow:hidden;margin:0px;position:relative;width:948px;background:;border:0px solid #333; padding:5px 5px;}#BeHboxes ul{ margin-left: 10px; padding: 0pt; position: relative; list-style-type: none; z-index: 1; width: 100%; }#BeHboxes ul li{ overflow: hidden; float: left; width: 180px; height: 180px; border-top:0px solid #333; margin-right:6px; padding:2px 0px 4px 0px; }#BeHboxes ul li:hover{ border-bottom:1px solid #c5c5c5; }#BeHboxes img{width:150px;height:100px; padding:2px; border: 1px solid #A3A3A3; border-radius:10px; -moz-border-radius:10px; margin-top:0px;}#BeHboxes img:hover{border: 1px solid #c5c5c5; }.BeHbody img{float:left}.BeHbody {position:relative;margin:0 5px 0 5px;width:170px;height:210px;display:inline;float:left;color:#c4c4c4}.BeHbody h3{padding:5px 0;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold; font-family: verdana, sans-serif, arial; margin:0;}.BeHbody h3 a:link,.BeHbody h3 a:visited{color:#2F97FF;}.BeHbody h3 a:hover{color:#c5c5c5}.BeHbody p{margin:0; padding:0 0;color:#cdcdcd;font:10px normal verdana, sans-serif, Arial;}.Fadein3 img {filter:alpha(opacity=80);opacity: 0.8;border:0;}.Fadein3:hover img {filter:alpha(opacity=100);opacity: 1.0;border:0;}
In case of any problems, leave out a comment below and i would love to get back to you as soon as possible.
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