Friends now it is easy to lock you computer using mouse, lets see a simple trick on how to lock your PC using mouse click. We normally use Alt + Ctrl + Del or Windows + L to lock our PCs. Instead of trying those windows keyboard shortcut keys to lock Pc, lets now tryout something new. Some might have already known this trick.
Trick to Lock Your Computer Using Mouse: -
- Just Right click on the desktop, point to New and click Shortcut.
- In the create Shortcut dialog box, copy “rundll32 user32.dll LockWorkStation” without quotes paste into the ‘Type the location’ of the item box.
- Click Next
- In ‘Type a neme for this shortcut’’ , type LOCK MY PC & click Finish.
- Now you just double click on the icon ‘LOCK MY PC’ & your desktop will be lock.
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